===== Список литературы ===== - L.Alfors, The complex analityc structure of the space of closed Riemann surfaces, in <>, Princeton University Press, 1960, pp. 45-66. - S.Cohen, On the structure and ideal theory of complete local rings, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 59 (1946), 54-106. - M.Gerstenhaber, The cohomology structure of an associative ring, Ann of Math., 78 (1963), 267-288. - D.K.Harrison, Commutative algebras and cohomology, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 104 (1962), 191-204. - R.Heaton and G.Whaples, Polynomial cocycles, Duke Math. J., 25 (1959), 691-696. - R.Heaton, Polynomial 3-cocycles over a field of characteristic p, Duke Math. J., 26 (1959), 269-275. - R.Heaton, A note on polynomial cocycles, Math. Z., 76 (1961), 235-239. - G.Hochscild, On the cohomology groups of an associative algebra, Ann of Math., 46 (1945), 58-67. - K. Kodaira and D.C. Spencer, On deformations of complex analytic structures, Ann. of Math., 67 (1958), 328-466. - K. Kodaira, L. Nirenberg and D.C. Spencer, On the existence of deformations of complex analytic structures, Ann. of Math., 68 (1958), 450-459. - A.Weil, Foundations of Algebraic Geometry, Revised and Enlarged Edition, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1962. {{tag>"группа когомологий"}}